Numbers 18Numbers 19Acts 14Numbers 18
And the Lord said to Aaron, You and your sons and your father's family are to be responsible for all wrongdoing in relation to the holy place: and you and your sons are to be responsible for the errors which come about in your work as priests.
Let your brothers, the family of Levi, come near with you, so that they may be joined with you and be your servants: but you and your sons with you are to go in before the ark of witness.
They are to do your orders and be responsible for the work of the Tent but they may not come near the vessels of the holy place or the altar, so that death may not overtake them or you.
They are to be joined with you in the care of the Tent of meeting, doing whatever is needed for the Tent: and no one of any other family may come near you.
You are to be responsible for the holy place and the altar, so that wrath may never again come on the children of Israel.
Now, see, I have taken your brothers the Levites from among the children of Israel: they are given to you and to the Lord, to do the work of the Tent of meeting.
And you and your sons with you are to be responsible as priests for the altar and everything on it, and everything inside the veil you are to do the work of priests I have given you your position as priests and any other man who comes near will be put to death.
And the Lord said to Aaron, See, I have given into your care my lifted offerings even all the holy things of the children of Israel I have given to you and to your sons as your right for ever, because you have been marked with the holy oil.
This is to be yours of the most holy things, out of the fire offerings every offering of theirs, every meal offering and sin-offering, and every offering which they make on account of error, is to be most holy for you and your sons.
As most holy things they are to be your food: let every male have them for food it is to be holy to you.
And this is yours: the lifted offering which they give and all the wave offerings of the children of Israel I have given to you and to your sons and to your daughters as your right for ever: everyone in your house who is clean may have them for food.
All the best of the oil and the wine and the grain, the first-fruits of them which they give to the Lord, to you have I given them.
The earliest produce from their land which they take to the Lord is to be yours everyone in your house who is clean may have it for his food.
Everything given by oath to the Lord in Israel is to be yours.
The first birth of every living thing which is offered to the Lord, of man or beast, is to be yours but for the first sons of man payment is to be made, and for the first young of unclean beasts.
Payment is to be made for these when they are a month old, at the value fixed by you, a price of five shekels by the scale of the holy place, that is, twenty gerahs to the shekel.
But no such payment may be made for the first birth of an ox or a sheep or a goat these are holy: their blood is to be dropped on the altar, and their fat burned for an offering made by fire, a sweet smell to the Lord.
Their flesh is to be yours like the breast of the wave offering and the right leg, it is to be yours.
All the lifted offerings of the holy things which the children of Israel give to the Lord, I have given to you and to your sons and to your daughters as a right for ever. This is an agreement made with salt before the Lord, to you and to your seed for ever.
And the Lord said to Aaron, You will have no heritage in their land, or any part among them I am your part and your heritage among the children of Israel.
And to the children of Levi I have given as their heritage all the tenths offered in Israel, as payment for the work they do, the work of the Tent of meeting.
In future the children of Israel are not to come near the Tent of meeting, so that death may not come to them because of sin.
But the Levites are to do the work of the Tent of meeting, and be responsible for errors in connection with it: this is a law for ever through all your generations and among the children of Israel they will have no heritage.
For the tenths which the children of Israel give as a lifted offering to the Lord I have given to the Levites as their heritage. and so I have said to them, Among the children of Israel they will have no heritage.
And the Lord said to Moses,
Say to the Levites, When you take from the children of Israel the tenth which I have given to you from them as your heritage, a tenth part of that tenth is to be offered as an offering lifted up before the Lord.
And this lifted offering is to be put to your credit as if it was grain from the grain-floor and wine from the vines.
So you are to make an offering lifted up to the Lord from all the tenths which you get from the children of Israel, giving out of it the Lord's lifted offering to Aaron the priest.
From everything given to you, let the best of it, the holy part of it, be offered as a lifted offering to the Lord.
Say to them, then, When the best of it is lifted up on high, it is to be put to the account of the Levites as the increase of the grain-floor and of the place where the grapes are crushed.
It is to be your food, for you and your families in every place: it is your reward for your work in the Tent of meeting.
And no sin will be yours on account of it, when the best of it has been lifted up on high you are not to make a wrong use of the holy things of the children of Israel, so that death may not overtake you.
topoNumbers 19
And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron,
This is the rule of the law which the Lord has made, saying, Give orders to the children of Israel to give you a red cow without any mark on her, and on which the yoke has never been put:
Give her to Eleazar the priest and let him take her outside the tent-circle and have her put to death before him.
Then let Eleazar the priest take some of her blood on his finger, shaking the blood seven times in the direction of the front of the Tent of meeting:
And the cow is to be burned before him, her skin and her flesh and her blood and her waste are to be burned:
Then let the priest take cedar-wood and hyssop and red thread, and put them into the fire where the cow is burning.
And the priest, after washing his clothing and bathing his body in water, may come back to the tent-circle, and will be unclean till evening.
And he who does the burning is to have his clothing washed and his body bathed in water and be unclean till evening.
Then let a man who is clean take the dust of the burned cow and put it outside the tent-circle in a clean place, where it is to be kept for the children of Israel and used in making the water which takes away what is unclean: it is a sin-offering.
And he who takes up the dust of the burned cow is to have his clothing washed with water and be unclean till evening: this is to be a law for ever, for the children of Israel as well as for the man from another country who is living among them.
Anyone touching a dead body will be unclean for seven days:
On the third day and on the seventh day he is to make himself clean with the water, and so he will be clean: but if he does not do this on the third day and on the seventh day, he will not be clean.
Anyone touching the body of a dead man without making himself clean in this way, makes the House of the Lord unclean and that man will be cut off from Israel: because the water was not put on him, he will be unclean his unclean condition is unchanged.
This is the law when death comes to a man in his tent: everyone who comes into the tent, and everyone who is in the tent, will be unclean for seven days.
And every open vessel without a cover fixed on it will be unclean.
And anyone touching one who has been put to death with the sword in the open country, or the body of one who has come to his end by a natural death, or a man's bone, or the resting-place of a dead body, will be unclean for seven days.
And for the unclean, they are to take the dust of the burning of the sin-offering, and put flowing water on it in a vessel:
And a clean person is to take hyssop and put it in the water, shaking it over the tent, and all the vessels, and the people who were there, and over him by whom the bone, or the body of one who has been put to death with the sword, or the body of one who has come to his end by a natural death, or the resting-place was touched.
Let the clean person do this to the unclean on the third day and on the seventh day: and on the seventh day he is to make him clean and after washing his clothing and bathing himself in water, he will be clean in the evening.
But the man who, being unclean, does not make himself clean in this way, will be cut off from the meeting of the people, because he has made the holy place of the Lord unclean: the water has not been put on him, he is unclean.
This is to be a law for them for ever: he who puts the water on the unclean person is to have his clothing washed and anyone touching the water will be unclean till evening.
Anything touched by the unclean person will be unclean and any person touching it will be unclean till evening.
topoActs 14
Now in Iconium they went together to the Synagogue of the Jews and gave such teaching that a great number of Jews and Greeks had faith.
But those Jews who had not the faith, made the minds of the Gentiles bitter against the brothers.
So they kept there for a long time, taking heart in the Lord, who gave witness to the word of his grace by causing signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
But there was a division among the people of the town some were on the side of the Jews and some on the side of the Apostles.
And when a violent attempt was made by the Gentiles and the Jews, with their rulers, to make an attack on them and have them stoned,
Having got news of it, they went in flight to the towns of Lycaonia, Lystra, and Derbe, and the country round about:
And went on preaching the good news there.
And at Lystra there was a certain man, who from birth had been without the use of his feet, never having had the power of walking.
This man was giving ear to the preaching of Paul, who, looking at him, and seeing that he had faith to be made well,
Said in a loud voice, Get up on your feet. And, jumping up, he went walking about.
And when the people saw what Paul had done, they said in a loud voice, in the language of Lycaonia, The gods have come down to us in the form of men.
And they gave the name of Jupiter to Barnabas, and to Paul that of Mercury, because he was the chief talker.
And the priest of the image of Jupiter, which was before the town, took oxen and flowers to the doors of the town, and was about to make an offering with the people.
But when this came to the ears of the Apostles, Paul and Barnabas, they went running out among the people, parting their clothing, and crying out,
Good people, why are you doing these things? We are men with the same feelings as you, and we give you the good news so that you may be turned away from these foolish things to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all things in them:
Who in the past let all nations go in the ways which seemed good to them.
But he was not without witness, because he did good, and gave you rain from heaven and times of fruit, making your hearts full of food and joy.
And even with these words, it was hard for them to keep the people from making an offering to them.
But some Jews came to that place from Antioch and Iconium, and got control over the people and after stoning Paul, they had him pulled out of the town, taking him for dead.
But when the disciples came round him, he got up and went into the town: and the day after he went away with Barnabas to Derbe.
And having made a number of disciples through the preaching of the good news in that town, they went back to Lystra and Iconium and Antioch,
Making strong the souls of the disciples, saying to them that they were to keep the faith, and that we have to go through troubles of all sorts to come into the kingdom of God.
And when they had made selection of some to be rulers in every church, and had given themselves to prayer and kept themselves from food, they put them into the care of the Lord in whom they had faith.
And they went through Pisidia and came to Pamphylia.
And, after preaching the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia
And from there they went by ship to Antioch, where they had been handed over to the grace of God for the work which they had not done.
And when they came there, and had got the church together, they gave them an account of all the things which God had done through them, and how he had made open a door of faith to the Gentiles.
And they were with the disciples there for a long time.