John 16 
Tristeza Será Transformada em Alegria
After a little time you will see me no longer and then again, after a little time, you will see me.
So some of the disciples said one to another, What is this he is saying, After a little time, you will see me no longer and then again, after a little time, you will see me? and, I am going to the Father?
So they said again and again, What is this he is saying, A little time? His words are not clear to us.
Jesus saw that they had a desire to put the question to him, so he said to them, Is this what you are questioning one with another, why I said, After a little time, you will see me no longer and then again, after a little time, you will see me?
Truly I say to you, You will be weeping and sorrowing, but the world will be glad: you will be sad, but your sorrow will be turned into joy.
When a woman is about to give birth she has sorrow, because her hour is come but when she has given birth to the child, the pain is put out of her mind by the joy that a man has come into the world.
So you have sorrow now: but I will see you again, and your hearts will be glad, and no one will take away your joy.
And on that day you will put no questions to me. Truly I say to you, Whatever request you make to the Father, he will give it to you in my name.
Up to now you have made no request in my name: do so, and it will be answered, so that your hearts may be full of joy.
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