Matthew 27 
A Morte de Jesus
Now from the sixth hour it was dark over all the land till the ninth hour.
And about the ninth hour Jesus gave a loud cry, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why are you turned away from me?
And some of those who were near by, hearing it, said, This man is crying to Elijah.
And straight away one of them went quickly, and took a sponge, and made it full of bitter wine, and put it on a rod and gave him drink.
And the rest said, Let him be let us see if Elijah will come to his help.
And Jesus gave another loud cry, and gave up his spirit.
And the curtain of the Temple was parted in two from end to end and there was an earth-shock and the rocks were broken
And the resting-places of the dead came open and the bodies of a number of sleeping saints came to life
And coming out of their resting-places, after he had come again from the dead, they went into the holy town and were seen by a number of people.
Now the captain and those who were with him watching Jesus, when they saw the earth-shock and the things which were done, were in great fear and said, Truly this was a son of God.
And a number of women were there, watching from a distance, who had come with Jesus from Galilee, waiting on his needs.
Among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.
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