Luke 19 ![Compartilhar Compartilhar](/img/facebook_like_buton.png)
Jesus e Zaqueu
And he went into Jericho, and when he was going through it,
A man, named Zacchaeus, who was the chief tax-farmer, and a man of wealth,
Made an attempt to get a view of Jesus, and was not able to do so, because of the people, for he was a small man.
And he went quickly in front of them and got up into a tree to see him, for he was going that way.
And when Jesus came to the place, looking up, he said to him, Zacchaeus, be quick and come down, for I am coming to your house today.
And he came down quickly, and took him into his house with joy.
And when they saw it, they were all angry, saying, He has gone into the house of a sinner.
And Zacchaeus, waiting before him, said to the Lord, See, Lord, half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken anything from anyone wrongly, I give him back four times as much.
And Jesus said to him, Today salvation has come to this house, for even he is a son of Abraham.
For the Son of man came to make search for those who are wandering from the way, and to be their Saviour.
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