John 6 
As Palavras de Vida Eterna
Then, hearing this, a number of his disciples said, This is a hard saying who is able to take in such teaching?
When Jesus became conscious that his disciples were protesting about what he said, he said to them, Does this give you trouble?
What then will you say if you see the Son of man going up to where he was before?
The spirit is the life giver the flesh is of no value: the words which I have said to you are spirit and they are life.
But still some of you have no faith. For it was clear to Jesus from the first who they were who had no faith, and who it was who would be false to him.
And he said, This is why I said to you, No man is able to come to me if he is not given the power to do so by the Father.
Because of what he said, a number of the disciples went back and would no longer go with him.
So Jesus said to the twelve, Have you a desire to go away?
Then Simon Peter gave this answer: Lord, to whom are we to go? you have the words of eternal life
And we have faith and are certain that you are the Holy One of God.
Then Jesus said, Did I not make a selection of you, the twelve, and one of you is a son of the Evil One?
He was talking of Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. It was he who was to be false to Jesus--one of the twelve.
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