John 11 
Eu Sou a Ressurreição e a Vida
Now when Jesus came, he made the discovery that Lazarus had been put into the earth four days before.
Now Bethany was near to Jerusalem, about two miles away
And a number of Jews had come to Martha and Mary to give them comfort about their brother.
When Martha had the news that Jesus was on the way, she went out to him, but Mary did not go from the house.
Then Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if you had been here my brother would not be dead.
But I am certain that, even now, whatever request you make to God, God will give it to you.
Jesus said to her, Your brother will come to life again.
Martha said to him, I am certain that he will come to life again when all come back from the dead at the last day.
Jesus said to her, I am myself that day and that life he who has faith in me will have life even if he is dead
And no one who is living and has faith in me will ever see death. Is this your faith?
She said to him, Yes, Lord: my faith is that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.
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