Acts 12 
O Rei Herodes Morre
Now he was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon: and they came to him, all together, and having made friends with Blastus, the controller of the king's house, they made a request for peace, because their country was dependent on the king's country for its food.
And on the day which had been fixed, Herod, dressed in his robes and seated in his place, made a public statement to them.
And the people, with loud cries, said, It is the voice of a god, not of a man.
And straight away the angel of the Lord sent a disease on him, because he did not give the glory to God: and his flesh was wasted away by worms, and so he came to his end.
But the word of the Lord went on increasing.
And Barnabas and Saul came back from Jerusalem, when their work was ended, taking with them John named Mark.
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