Galatians 3 
A Lei e a Promessa
Brothers, as men would say, even a man's agreement, when it has been made certain, may not be put on one side, or have additions made to it.
Now to Abraham were the undertakings given, and to his seed. He says not, And to seeds, as of a great number but as of one, he says, And to your seed, which is Christ.
Now this I say: The law, which came four hundred and thirty years after, does not put an end to the agreement made before by God, so as to make the undertaking without effect.
Because if the heritage is by the law, it is no longer dependent on the word of God but God gave it to Abraham by his word.
What then is the law? It was an addition made because of sin, till the coming of the seed to whom the undertaking had been given and it was ordered through angels by the hand of a go-between.
Now a go-between is not a go-between of one but God is one.
Is the law then against the words of God? in no way because if there had been a law which was able to give life, truly righteousness would have been by the law.
However, the holy Writings have put all things under sin, so that that for which God gave the undertaking, based on faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who have such faith.
But before faith came, we were kept in prison under the law, waiting for the revelation of the faith which was to come.
So the law has been a servant to take us to Christ, so that we might have righteousness by faith.
But now that faith is come, we are no longer under a servant.
Because you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
For all those of you who were given baptism into Christ did put on Christ.
There is no Jew or Greek, servant or free, male or female: because you are all one in Jesus Christ.
And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and yours is the heritage by the right of God's undertaking given to Abraham.
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